lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

the problems that could arise are for example the differences between religions, if they have different religions then it could become a problem when marrying because the would not be able to do certain things like in the movie where toula and ian could not marry in the church and toula´s family was not happy with this fact ian had to convert to the greek orthodox church just so they could marry in the church.
another problem could be the language the speak for example a have a relative that lives in orlando she lives with her mom and the rest of her family there and she married an american the problem lies when they have reunions with the family because her mom does not speak english and when the family is together they all speak spanish  so he can not talk to anyone because he does not understand what are they saying.
but if a couple love each other they will find a way of solving their problems, just like in the movie.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Do you think it is important to try and protect these endangered and dying cultures and languages?
 well i think it is important to protect these dying culturesl because each culture has its own way of seeing the world, the all are marked by their history, and every individual is defined by culture therefore losing cultures would mean losing also individualism.
 i think it is also importat to preserve the language because we  lose " The way of expressing the relationship with nature, with the world, between themselves in the framework of their families, their kin people."says Mr Claude Hagege. i think we lose more than just word but communication between  generations.
 "As parents no longer transmit language to their children, the connection between children and grandparents is broken and traditional values are lost." says Mr Colls.
Mr lewis says  as long as people think that their language its useless the will think of themselves as useless therefore leading to depression.
so we just dont lose a culture or a language we also lose a way of defining ourselves like individuals,we lose knowledge,history, music,etc...
What kind of contribution to different cutlures make to society as a whole?
it helps giving us choices  in life , because every person thinks differently ,like i said before cultures defines who we are, it makes enjoyable life discovering the differents aspects of every person and how that person was marked by his/her culture and the fact that we have so many different cultures teach us tolerance.
 Is it vital to have cultural diversity or should we eventually coalesce to all be part of the same global culture, speaking one language?
there would be some advantages if the cultures coalesce for example: we woul just speak one language so we could all speak to each other but there are also a lot of disadvantages because if we all had the same culture it would implicate that we all mere marked by the same history we all would dress the same, would listen to the same music, and eventually forget about our original culture losing knowledge and ignoring our history therefore making the sames mistakes that our ancestors made.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012



 mi name is Laura Guerrero and  i am studying electronic engineering at la universidad del norte in barranquilla ,this is my second semester studying here.
i expect to improve my skills that will be usefull for me later in my life.